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Chimica e plastica
CERANO (NO) - Italia

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  • Nome Azienda: SIC PROCESSING SRL
  • CAP: 28065
  • Città: CERANO
  • Provincia: NO
  • Nazione: Italia
  • Lingua preferita: IT
  • Sito web: Non disponibile
  • Settore: Chimica e plastica


Siamo in grado di recuperare solventi glicoli olii e glicerina , carburo di silicio , minerali e alluminio


Curriculum vitae

"CAROLA CAPELLINI Year of Birth:1974 Galleria Mirabello 22 20081 Abbiategrasso (MI) Italy Mobile:+393351984944 Email:capellinicarola@gmail.com SiC PROCESSING srl, Cerano, Novara, Italy Sales Director
Responsible for new marketing and sales activity: polymer with high technical application in chemical , packaging and coating industry
Responsible for the project " environmental friendly sales approach " reconvert waste and by product in enriched materials used in chemical industry SiC PROCESSING Gmbh, Bautzen, Dresden, Germany Sales Director
Team Leader of the project "Reconversion of SiC Processing industrial plants", succeeded in utilize the current plants for other profitable utilization
Responsible for sales and marketing activity of the new developed product out from the reconverted production plants MATERNITY LEAVE SiC PROCESSING srl, Cerano, Novara, Italy (subsidiary of SIC Gmbh Germany) General Manager
Managing Director of SiC Italy, Italian branch of SiC Gmbh, involved in recovery and sale of exhausted slurry for wafering process in photovoltaic and semiconductor industry.
Responsible of sales, sourcing, logistic and new clients development in south Europe and Far East.
Part of the " R&D SiC Processing GmbH technical team" as physical chemical expert in photovoltaic and semiconductor field application
Part of the group "technical and marketing team" for development of improved silicon carbide and glycol used in wire saw process
Technical support to worldwide clients for customized solution
Participation to worldwide Solar and Semiconductor Exhibition in Europe, USA and Asia MATERNITY LEAVE SiC PROCESSING srl, Cerano, Novara ,Italy R&D Manager
Responsible for new R&D centre and technical application on wire saw process for photovoltaic and semiconductor industry.
In charge for all new projects activity concerning improvements on process and new customer solution on different kind of slurry.
Formulation of different suspending agent, modification of powder properties, evaluation of upgrading of diagnosis on silicon carbide slurry.
Cooperation with University in Europe master in photovoltaic and semiconductor application
Invented and produced a new quality investigation system "SIC Provision " to control slurry in wafering production. SiC PROCESSING SRL, Cerano, Novara ,Italy Customer Technical Assistant
Responsible for clients technical support, technical problem solving, supporting sales manager.
Clients follow up concerning problem solving and new application
Partecipation to worldwide exhibition in photovoltaic and semiconductor field HB FULLER ITALIA, Borgolavezzaro, Novara Quality Control Manager
Responsible for hot melt laboratory, test and inspection on raw material and final products, supervision on production process to guarantee quality level.
Quality Assurance: record and manage product and process non-conformity and complaints coming from Italian and foreign customer. Activity run in touch with Quality Control managers of European facilities and customer services. Manage internal audit as graduated auditor.
Upgrade and modification of operative instructions, procedures and quality manual cooperating with head departments and with QC manager of foreign facilities.
Kaizen and Lean Six Sigma projects. FRAMIS ITALIA, Vigano Di Gaggiano, Milan Technical Sales Assistant
Technical sales support in Italy and Europe for Polyurethane coated waterproof tapes. Responsible for solving clients' applications problems and identifying specific formulations for new customers. Main customers acquired by the company: Alpine Stars, Beretta, and a safety garment industry in the north of Italy.
Training European sales managers on technical aspects and new features of the product, presenting product performances to various exhibitions around Europe. PLACOBERT SNC, Busto Arsizio, Varese R&D
Responsible for a project to obtain by extrusion polyolefin foil designated to automotive and shoe industries. Executes coating test with PU and PVC.
Responsible for Certification ISO team. EDUCATION Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan Graduate in Chemistry: final evaluation 101/110 Title of the final thesis: "Effects of the preparation condition on massive and catalytic characteristics of Zirconia's powder doped with Sulfate and Metals" Liceo Classico B. Cairoli, Vigevano, Pavia Maturità Classica Diploma LANGUAGES English: Fluent German: Basic French: Basic COMPUTER: Office applications, Navision ,Project Place,Visual OTHERS: Hobby: ski, travel, cooking and art "Autorizzo al trattamento dei dati Personali, ai sensi del D.lgs 196 del 30 Giugno 2003" CAROLA CAPELLINI Galleria Mirabello 22, 20081 Abbiategrasso (MI) | +393351984944 | capellinicarola@gmail.com Gentili Signori, allego una copia del mio curriculum vitae, dal quale si evidenzia la mia esperienza maturata in aziende chimiche in diverse funzioni: vendite, sviluppo prodotti, qualità e general management. In particolare, nel ruolo da me ricoperto come "General Manager"della filiale italiana del gruppo tedesco SIC GMBH (500+ Mn di fatturato, leader nei prodotti per taglio nel settore semiconduttori e fotovoltaico), ho raggiunto importanti risultati:
Il fatturato annuo è aumentato da 8 MN EUR a 12 MN EUR in 4 anni, grazie all'espansione delle vendite in nuove aree geografiche (Far East e sud Europa) e allo sviluppo e lancio di nuovi prodotti.
Ho raggiunto ogni anno gli obiettivi di EBIT richiesti dall'Headquarter e i KPI prefissati.
Ho negoziato e gestito contratti di fornitura diretta di prodotti finiti e semilavorati per attività di trading e reselling in Sud Europa e Far East per un valore pari a 10 mn EUR/anno.
Ho guidato con successo progetti commerciali e di Ricerca e Sviluppo con team di lavoro formati da colleghi Europei e Asiatici. Attualmente ricopro il ruolo di Sales Director in SIC Processing Italia, già filiale italiana del Gruppo SIC GMBH recentemente acquisita e incorporata nel Gruppo Sillem Italia. Sono disponibile in ogni momento a un incontro per approfondire questi e altri aspetti del mio profilo. Cordiali saluti Carola Capellini "



Siamo in grado di recuperare solventi glicoli olii e glicerina , carburo di silicio , minerali e alluminio



Ho gestito reti di impresa per il finanziamento italia 2015 .